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No. No live broadcasts are hosted on our site. All publications are published on our site using the embed method(Twitter API) allowed by x.com. Our site has no partnership or relationship with x.com

Yes. You can search and watch all live broadcasts allowed by users with the search button on our site.

Yes. With telexcope.com, you can watch all broadcasts published on Twitter and Periscope social networks that have not been deleted by users, rewind and fast forward, and share the live broadcast with your friends.

You can watch broadcasts in your language on telexcope.com. You can choose one of dozens of languages by clicking on the select your language section on our website.

If a broadcaster has made a live broadcast and allowed her/his live broadcast to be shared (via x.com), you can watch all the user's live broadcasts on our site and discover them by entering their profile page.

By entering our popular live broadcast page, you can discover the most watched, published and ongoing live broadcasts on x.com.

Yes . This feature is available with pro membership.

No. The videos on our site are a live broadcast viewing platform where data can be obtained via Twitter API. Videos cannot be watched unless users give permission

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